Family Tree:
Spouse:  Ana Isabel Amos

Children:  Stephen John Amos Jr.
Alexander Ivan Amos

Grandchildren:  None listed

Parents:  Thomas Milton Jr. and Joyce Ann Amos

Siblings:  None listed

Grandparents:  None listed
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  Cemetery Location    Map to Gravesite

Stephen John Amos

Birth Date: 9/14/1954
Death Date: 7/1/1994
Washington Park North Cemetery
Court of the Apostles, Section 1B, Level 1 Crypt 26

Stephen Jr. and Alexander, taken in 2000.
  Photo Scrapbook

Stephen is 3 months old.

Stephen is around 3 years old.

Stephen is around 7 years old.

Stephen, his wife, Ana, Stephen Jr. and Alexander taken on May 15, 1988.

Stephen is at the zoo enjoying the lion cubs.

Stephen served his country in the Gulf War. This photo was taken in December of 1992.

Stephen enjoying some relaxing, happy times.

This was the last time Stephen saw his sons, Stephen Jr. and Alexander, taken in November of 1993.

This was the last photo of Stephen taken in the Spring of 1994.

Stephen Jr. and Alexander, taken in 2000.

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