Family Tree:
Spouse:  None listed

Children:  None listed

Grandchildren:  None listed

Parents:  Thomas L. Aldrich and Janete Roe
Step father
Chester Roseman

Siblings:  Jennifer

Grandparents:  None listed
Family Legacies™ Back to Legacy   
  Cemetery Location    Map to Gravesite

Terry Alan Aldrich

Birth Date: 5/27/1976
Death Date: 7/24/1999
Floral Park Cemetery
Garden of Faith, Lot 259, Grave 3

Bo Bo had a great time at Disney World.
  Photo Scrapbook

Family portrait taken in 1983.

Bo Bo was so excited about his new racing jacket.

Bo Bo belonged to a baseball league at Christian Park.

Bo Bo was always doing what he could for the younger children. Here he is playing Santa for his younger sister, Jennifer.

Bo Bo had a great time at Disney World.

Bo Bo is with his mother, sister and a friend just before a trip to Florida.

Bo Bo went to Florida with a Christian group to help with hurricane victims.

Bo Bo and Mom are cutting a rug.

Bo Bo having fun riding a camel.

Bo Bo's fiancˇe, Dawn. He loved her very much.

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