Family Tree:
Spouse:  Lilly F.

Children:  Nephew
Richard E. Warren

Grandchildren:  None listed

Parents:  George P. Mueller and Lillian Brill

Siblings:  None listed

Grandparents:  None listed
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  Cemetery Location    Map to Gravesite

Robert G. Mueller

Birth Date: 11/16/1916
Death Date: 12/18/2003
Washington Park East Cemetery
First President 7, Section W-46, Level2, Crypt 57D

Eatser Sunday. George, Lillian, Bob Mueller, Jimmy and Richard Warren.
  Photo Scrapbook

Eatser Sunday. George, Lillian, Bob Mueller, Jimmy and Richard Warren.

Wedding Day. Robert and Lily Mueller.

Bob, Amos and Andy, 1944.

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