Family Tree:
Spouse:  Carl Ray Slagle

Children:  Sharon Slagle Allen
Ray Slagle

Grandchildren:  Melanie LuDell Slagle
Kenneth Ray Slagle

Parents:  Irma Emely Redmeier and Roy Redmeier

Siblings:  Bob Redmeier

Grandparents:  None listed
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  Cemetery Location    Map to Gravesite

Irma "Jean" Slagle

Birth Date: 1/4/1928
Death Date: 7/31/2002
Memorial Park Cemetery
Section 6, Lot 82, Grave 6

Four Generations, Grandma Irma, Mom, son Ray and grandson, Ken.
  Photo Scrapbook

Mom and Grandma with Uncle Bob home on leave from the Marines.

Mom in plaid skirt with Uncle Bob, cousin Margaret and Marie

Mom and Dad at Easter, 1946.

Mom and Dad building their new house.

Mom's parents, Irma and Roy Redmeier.

This is the house Mom and Dad built together.

Mom (bottom right) at 16 at a family gathering at Graybrook Lake, 1944.

Dad with son, Ray, 1956.

Mom with Sharon at age 3, 1959.

Four Generations, Grandma Irma, Mom, son Ray and grandson, Ken.

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