Family Tree:
Spouse:  None listed

Children:  None listed

Grandchildren:  None listed

Parents:  Gregory Michael Tober and Staci Jo Dueker Tober

Siblings:  Anna Marie Tober

Grandparents:  None listed
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Trevor Tober

Birth Date: 8/3/2001
Death Date: 4/4/2002
Washington Park North Cemetery
Babyland, Section B, Row 5, Grave 27

Big sister, Anna Marie, was totally in love with her baby brother, Trevor. She was always gentle with him and concerned when he wasn't happy. Love was almost tangible between the siblings, and it shows in this picture if you look at their innocent little faces. The resemblance between the two was obvious an everyone who saw them said so. Anna misses her brother dearly.
  Photo Scrapbook

Sleeping Peacefully. Right after Trevor was born, all he did was sleep. He was such a good baby and he slept so peacefully. Just look at how gorgeous and perfect his little face is. He must be dreaming about something beautiful. like his big sister, Anna Marie.

Grandma's Darling. The only present Grandma Dueker wanted for her birthday was a picture of her with all of her grandkids. She was forever telling her friends how beautiful they were and this picture reinforces that.

Thanksgiving Day. This picture was taken on his first trip to visit his Aunt and Uncle in Fort Wayne. We dressed him in his "lumberjack's outfit" as his daddy called it, because that's what it looked like. Of course his big sister, Anna Marie, is on the phone. (She is such a girl.) Trevor's hair was typically wild this day and nothing could make it settle down.

During the Christmas season, Trevor really became more animated. He was turning 4 months old and getting to be such a big and happy boy. His smile was contagious. He inherited his mother's upper lip, (or lack thereof) and to show it off, he would smile at any camera pointed in his direction. Everyone wanted to take pictures of him.

Trevor was definitely a "Momma's Boy." Most of the time when he would sit on Mommy' slap, people would comment on how much he looked like his Mommy. From his upper lip, to his hair color, to his big brown eyes. During the Christmas Season, Trevor liked to sit and watch in amazement all the excitement going on around him.

The first thing Great Grandma Archer would do when we got to her house was snatch Trevor out of our hands and cuddle him. She had an uncanny ability to soothe him to sleep like no one else could. She said, "That's what Grandma's were made for." When Trevor slept on her shoulder like in this picture, he was so totally at peace.

When Trevor was learning to feed himself, the only place he didn't manage to get food was in his mouth. In this picture, he is enjoying a biter biscuit, which he loved to keep himself busy with while dinner was cooking. Thank goodness he liked to take bathes. Also in this photograph, Trevor's trademark hairstyle was as messy as his face.

When we visited relatives in Toledo fo Easter, we didn't know it would have so much meaning later. Grandma & Grandpa Tober got personal, one-on-one time with their grandson. Trevor loved getting his pictures taken and that was evident in this photo with Grandma. They are wrestling and, as usual the case, Trevor's hair is abundantly disheveled.

Big sister, Anna Marie, was totally in love with her baby brother, Trevor. She was always gentle with him and concerned when he wasn't happy. Love was almost tangible between the siblings, and it shows in this picture if you look at their innocent little faces. The resemblance between the two was obvious an everyone who saw them said so. Anna misses her brother dearly.

We were so delighted when Trevor was born, because we knew that, eventually, we would be able to take a picture lke this one. Coincidentally, this picture was taken Easter Sunday, and it was the first time Great Grandpa Tober met Trevor. He said it looked like we fed Trevor well because he was such a healthy boy. Eatser 2002 was an extremely happy holiday.

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