Family Tree:
Spouse:  Sharon Lee Pleasant

Children:  Jerry Pleasant Jr.
Lisa Hawkins
Barbie Parker
Theresa Pleasant
Step Children
Debra Thompson
Rachel Neighbors

Grandchildren:  Felicia Davis
Cori Davis
Alex Hawkins
Tiffany Pleasant
Karessa Crandel
Nathan Crandel
Step Grandchildren
Willie Tidd
Dustin Neighbors
Donovan Scisney
Brooke Thompson
Great Grandchild
Tiara Green

Parents:  Frederick and Elizabeth Pleasant

Siblings:  None listed

Grandparents:  None listed
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  Cemetery Location    Map to Gravesite

Jerry L. Pleasant

Birth Date: 10/12/1937
Death Date: 12/2/2001
Floral Park Cemetery
Garden of Faith, Lot 122, Grave 3

Jerry gets an eight-point buck, 1970.
  Photo Scrapbook

Sitting in a chair.

Birth Certificate.

Jerry, Christmas at Grandmother's house.

We'd been out shooting guns.

Jerry, Christmas 2000.

Jerry gets an eight-point buck, 1970.

1985, Vacation to Canada.

Air Force picture.

Jerry, Sharon and stepdaughter, Rachel.

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