Family Tree:
Spouse:  None listed

Children:  None listed

Grandchildren:  None listed

Parents:  Michael N. and Rhonda F. Tunell
Born: July 1,1955 and September 18,1958
Married March 13,1978

Siblings:  John Nelson Tunell
Born: February 20, 1979

Grandparents:  None listed
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Amanda Gale Tunell

Birth Date: 1/19/1981
Death Date: 1/12/2001
Flanner & Buchanan Washington Park East Mortuary
Washington Park East Cemetery
Garden of Reflections, Section 62D, Grave 3

This is my family page. Dennis's and my kitty Iggy. He is our baby. Mom, Dad, me (beautiful me), and my brother John. Then of course my classy Grandma, (now you see where I got that from). A picture of Poppy and again a family portrait of a few years back, out in Missouri at my Aunt Deloris's house.
  Photo Scrapbook

"Forever 19" What an Angel you are to us our Dear Beautiful Amanda. We await here for a day when we will all be reunited. Our love goes on forever. P.S. Love From Your Family and Friends!

This first picture is me "Amanda". Don't I look just adorable walking with my bikini on? My Mom and Grandma sure thought so! My brother and I were always close we just didn't like to admit it to one another. You can see both of us together on this same page. John's first day of 1st grade and us swimming in the back yard on Lowell in Irvington, IN. This was around July 1985.

This picture means alot to me because I had on my favorite dress. It was my big bird dress. Grandma bought it for me and I loved it. John and I are only two years apart in age so we really grew up close, sometimes having the same friends.

What a hairdo!! My mom really liked this. That's me and my Daddy dancing in Colorado at my cousins wedding. We of course, were the best-looking couple on the floor. That's me and my Poppy in front of the Van with the bicycle he helped me win from a band candy sale. Here I am with my sweet cousin Melissa and my kitty Butch and my lovely Aunt Carol putting lotion on my back.

This is my family page. Dennis's and my kitty Iggy. He is our baby. Mom, Dad, me (beautiful me), and my brother John. Then of course my classy Grandma, (now you see where I got that from). A picture of Poppy and again a family portrait of a few years back, out in Missouri at my Aunt Deloris's house.

Thumbs Up This was some of my dearest friends. I usually ate lunch with this group during my senior year of High School, (on top L to R) Lindsey, Me-Amanda, Heather. (Middle L to R), Pam, Kelly. (Bottom L to R), Amanda S., Marcus & Jenny. I am watching over you guys, so be careful!

This is my Senior Varsity Cheerleading squad. My Junior year was when we won Nationals, but I wanted you to see my last year. There are three of us in this picture that have cheered together since 7th grade. Me, Lindsey and Kelly, we all felt like we had been together forever, but we liked it that way!

Here we are all ten of us at the Navy Pier in Chicago. We worked very hard to win that fat trophy you see sitting in front of that large Anchor. That day was extremely special to everyone, this was something not every school could do, but we did it! (I'm sitting down on the right side of the trophy.)

Here is Mom and dad when they got married. They were so much in love, that's how they got me. My Grandma Tunell is looking very glamorous in her sparkling clothes. Grandpa Tunell is waiting for supper! All the people you see in front of the tree, yeah, the're mine. It's all my Aunts and Uncles from Missouri. Let's not forget my handsome Daddy and my really cute brother.

My sweetheart Dennis and I miss you all, but we want you to come here. It's more fun and more beautiful than any of you can imagine. While you are waiting, make sure your heart is ready first or you can't be here. When Jesus lives in your heart, do something's on earth to make God Happy, and when you get here, Dennis and I will be at the eastern gate to meet you!!

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