No picture provided.

Family Tree:
Spouse:  Bruce E. Bruce

Children:  William E. Bruce, Jr.
Richard L. Bruce
Cynthia K. Richards
David S. Bruce
Kevin J. Bruce

Grandchildren:  William E. Bruce III
Penelope Bruce
Angelia Bruce Dailey
Jordan SMith
Richard Bruce Jr.
Aut Bruce
Joseph Richards Jr.
William T. Richards
David S. Bruce
Brooke Bruce
Erica Bruce
Kevin Bruce Jr.
Great Grandchildren
Persephone Dailey
Michael Dailey
Trevor SMith
Arian SMith
Karman M. Smith

Parents:  None listed

Siblings:  None listed

Grandparents:  None listed
Family Legacies™  
  Cemetery Location    Map to Gravesite

Lois Marie Atwell Bruce

Birth Date: 12/27/1930
Death Date: 07/24/2005
West Ridge Park Cemetery
Garden of Christus, Lot 16D, Grave 1

We come together today to remember the life of Lois Marie Atwell Bruce, both temporal and eternal, who we have loved dearly. As a sister, a wife, a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and least of all friend. She has lived in our hearts and shall live there forever. Mortality and spirituality are both sitting on our front door. We have no choice except to answer the knock. We do however have the choice as to how we handle this force of energy. That last farewell we wish so desperately not to be so is also a joyous celebration of Angels in Heaven as the spirit we have known as Lois, Mom, and Grandma as rejoined the celestial choir of the inner circle of humanity. The love emanated by her spirit surges out like waves upon oceans of light, filling our hearts with emotions torn between sorrow and bliss. Sorrow that she has left our physical presence.

And bliss that her spirit flies free. Lois will be missed in the physical realm, as her teaching and learning on the planet had finished, yet our continues. The blessing of her life shall light your dreams and you hope, she will walk with you always. She will always be your teacher. She taught us how to love unconditionally. Our time together however long or short, is but a passing of a shadow for which to be devotedly grateful.

There is no back of it,
No if only’s
Only love remains
Love you share
Love given
Love received.

Norman Vincent Peal once wrote that a profound element in the prescription of heartache is to gain a sound and satisfying philosophy of life, death and deathlessness. When he gained the unshakable belief that life is inseparable, that this is one unobstructable universe, then he found the most satisfying and convincing philosophy of his entire life. This philosophy will not ward off sorrow f a loved one dies and a physical earthly separation ensues. But, it will lift and dissipate grief. It will fill your mind with deep understanding of this inevitable circumstance. And it will give you deep assurance that you have not lost your loved one.

Live on this faith and the ache will leave your heart. We release what was and make room for what shall be, as we testify in our minds that life does not end but merely transmutes. That today we say good-bye and yet we say hello. We say good-bye to the physical relationship we had with Lois, Mom and Grandma and we greet the relationship with her soul that now begins.

  Photo Scrapbook

Lois and her puppy when living on King Ave, Indianapolis, IN, 1935.

Lois and Rick Sr, 1953.

Our First Home in Mt. Pleasant, Greenwood, IN. Lois, Cindy, Ricky and Billy, 1957.

Newlyweds about 6-7 months, 1950.

Billy, Lois and Billy Boy, 1952.

Lois and grandson Willy on her birthday, December 27, 1999.

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